Osteocondrose of the spine is a chronic condition in which changes occur in the degenerative spine, and they are between spinal disks. Depending on the location of the lesion in the spinal column are distinguished: osteocondrose neck, osteocondrose of the chest, and osteocondrose back. For the diagnosis of degenerative disc disease of the spine is necessary for the realization of an x-ray, and, in the case of complications (eg, herniated intervertebral disc-drive) - magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord. In the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the spine, along with the interactions of the methods that are widely used, reflexology, massage, manual therapy, physical therapy, and the healing of the physical education.
The etiology and pathogenesis of
To one degree or another, osteocondrose of the spinal column to develop all of the old people, and it is one of the aging processes in the body. Sooner or later, into the intervertebral disc occur, atrophic changes, however, and the injury, disease, and a variety of overload on the spine, they contribute to the more rapid onset of degenerative disc disease. It occurs more frequently osteocondrose of the cervix, and osteocondrose of the lumbar spine.
Developed by some of the 10 theory of degenerative disc disease: vascular, hormonal, mechanical, hereditary, infectious, allergic, and other. But none of them provides a full explanation of the occur in the spinal cord, changes in, on the contrary, they are complements of each other.
It is believed that the main point in the occurrence of degenerative disc disease that is a constant overload of the spine, skeletal segment, which is composed of the two adjacent ones. This overload can occur as a result of a system of stereotype — attitude, service, and private way to sit on the floor. The disturbances of the posture, sit in a posture and bad, to ride with the uneven spinal stress on your discs, ligaments, and muscles of the spine. The process can be even worse, due to the nature of the structure of the vertebral column, and in the absence of trophic tissues due to hereditary factors. More often than not flaws in the construction can occur in the cervical area, the department, and take to heart all the abuse and the early onset of the signs of the disease, degenerative disc disease of the lumbar disc of the vertebral column.
The occurrence of degenerative disc disease for the lumbar spine once more connected with the overhead, when the slopes and the lifts of gravity. A healthy intervertebral disc, the disc can support a load of a considerable amount of work, thanks to hydrophilicity is in your heart, pulpous of the kernel. The nucleus contains a large amount of water and fluids, as we all know, a little bit depressed. The breaking a healthy intervertebral disc, the hard can happen if the compressive strength more than 500 kg., as amended, as a result of degenerative disc disease, the disc will stop as soon as the power for compression of 200 kg. A load of 200 kg, the experiences of the column in the lumbar region of the spinal column of a person weighing 70 kg, when he holds a 15-lb load at the position of the tilt of the trunk to the front of the 200. It's like a lot of pressure due to the small amount of pulpous of the kernel. When you go up a slope of up to 700 charge intervertebral disc drives, it will be 489 lbs., Therefore, it is often the first clinical signs of the disease, degenerative disc disease of the lumbar disc of the vertebral column occurring during or after the weight training, perform the work in-house, weeding the garden, and t.p.
The destruction of the connective tissue, the fibrous ring of the disc, the ligaments and the capsules of the FAStfull-time joints, it causes a response of the immune system and the development of aseptic inflammation, with swelling, the FAStfull-time of the joints and surrounding, tissue. Due to a displacement of the vertebral bodies, the elongation of the capsules the FAStfull-time of the joint, and the modified betweenpswankivy the disc is not quite as durable, hangs on to the body of the vertebrae surrounding it. Formed of instability of the spinal segment. Due to the instability that may nip the root withpinnomotive of the optic nerve with the development of the root system of the syndrome. When osteocondrose of the cervical spine is most often occurs during the time of the return to the head, when you osteocondrose the lumbar spine, during the tilting of the upper body. It is possible for the formation of a new functional unit in the spinal skeletal system of the industry. It is powered by a kompенwithandционнsм the reduction of the vertebrate body.
A herniated disc is formed when the disk is moved to the rear, there is a break in the back of the ligament length and the protrusion of the disc into the spinal canal. If the spinal canal squeezed out of the core and the disk, the hernia is called an explosion. The severity and duration of headache, with such a hernia is significantly greater when notexplosão. A disc herniation can cause radicular syndrome, or compression of the spinal cord.
When osteocondrose occurs in the growth of bone tissue, with the formation of the оwithteofits — hard bone in the human body and otpoctkax ones. Оwithteofits can also cause compression of the spinal cord, or it can be the cause of the development of the root system of the syndrome.
The symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the spine
The main symptom of degenerative disc disease of the spine, pain is pain. The pain may be acute, with high strength, it is bolstered by the smallest of movement in the affected segment and, therefore, is that the patient is forced to take a stand. Thus, when the osteocondrose of the cervical spine, the patient keeps the head in a less painful, and you don't get it, when osteocondrose, chest pain, and even worse, the same, with a deep breath, and when osteocondrose the lumbar region of the patient, it is difficult to sit, stand, and walk. This pain is caused in particular to the compression of the root withpinnomotive of the optic nerve.
About 80% of the cases, you can experience pain, dull in nature, continuous and of moderate intensity. In such cases, a medical examination is necessary to distinguish between the symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the spine, the miozitand the muscles of the back. The pain is dull when the osteocondrose this is due to the excess tension in the muscles, protecting his pозвоночнsй the musculoskeletal system segment-inflammatory drug or a significant change in stretching the intervertebral disc.... In patients with the armbar syndrome to the stimulation of the position is missing, but it shows a limitation of motion, and physical activity. Patients with оwithtekomreza whiplash, avoid sudden movements and tilts of the head, with the оwithtekomreza lower back -slowly, sit down and stand up, and prevent the inclination of the upper body.
Complications of degenerative disc disease of the spine
Complications of degenerative disc disease related to a herniated intervertebral disc.... These include compression of the spinal cord, which is characterized by numbness and weakness of specific muscle groups of the extremities (depending on the compression level), leading to the appearance of the pandрезs, atrophy in muscles, change in the tendon reflexes, disturbances of micturition and defecation. Betweenpозвоночнandя herniation may cause compression of the artery, the spinal cord, with the formation of ischemic phase (stroke in the spinal cord) to the death of cells in the nervous system. This manifests itself with the appearance of a deficit in the brain (the breach-of-motion, loss of sensation, trophic disorder), which corresponds to the level, and the prevalence of ischemic diseases.
A diagnosis of degenerative disc disease of the spine
A diagnosis of degenerative disc disease of the spine is done with a neurologist, or a vertbrolog. In the early stages of producing x-ray images of the spinal column in 2-dimensional space. If you need to, you can make a picture of the spine segment, and the shooting of the additional forward-looking statements. For the diagnosis of betweenpозвонкsой hernia, assessment of the status of the spinal cord, and the detection of complications of degenerative disease of the disc to apply to the examinations of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI of spine). The major role of magnetic resonance imaging in the differential diagnosis of degenerative disc disease and other diseases of the vertebral column: tуберкулезнsй spondylitis, osteomyelitis, tumor, disease, Spondylitis, arthritis, infection, injury to. Sometimes, complicated disease, degenerative disc disease of the lumbar disc of the vertebral column, has an exception to syringomyelia. In some cases, such as when it is not possible to carry out an mri scan that shows myelography.
The sighting study, the victim of the intervertebral disk, may be using drugs. Studies of electrophysiological used to determine the size and location of the lesion to the nerve pathways from the monitoring of the recovery process for the patients.
In the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the spine
In the acute period, it shows the peace in the affected pzvonochkom engine in the segment. To this end, when the osteocondrose of the c-spine, apply product with the foam of the Trench, when the osteocondrose low back — rest. The fixing is required and when it osteocondrose cervical spine with instability of the spinal segment.
In the pharmacological treatment of degenerative disc disease using anti-inflammatory drugs, nonsteroidal (NSAIDS): diclofenac, nimesulide, lornoxicam, meloxicam. When intensive pain syndrome shows analgesics, for example, the prescription of the action to the central flupIltin. To relieve muscular tension, use of muscle-relaxant — tolperizon, tизandнидin. In some cases, it is recommended that the assignment-of-anticonvulsants - carbamazepine, gabapentin; antidepressants, among which is the preferred method to give inгибиtорandм of the re-uptake of serotonin (sertraline, paroxetine).
When that occurs, a root syndrome, a patient shown to be the treatment of the patient. Maybe it's the location of the introduction of glucocorticoid therapy against the swelling, the application of traction. In the treatment of degenerative disc disease and is widely used in physiotherapy, reflexology, massage, therapeutic exercise. The application of the manual therapy requires a clear compliance with the technical in their execution, and to be careful in the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease in the spine.
The operation of the column, it shows, above all, to a significant compression of the spinal cord. It involves the removal of the herniated intervertebral disc decompression and withpinnomotive channel. It is possible to carry out a микродиwithкэкtOmiya, a laser for the reconstruction of the plant, the replacement of the victim, the disc implant, such as the stabilization of the spine segment.